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INTERNATIONAL DAY OF ACTION! FIRST VANCOUVER'S BICYCLE RALLY & 107th MONTHLY PROTEST FOR THE CUBAN 5 Marking the 38th anniversary of the air Cubana flight bombing by terrorist Luis Posada Carriles Click Here to View More Photos on Flickr! Haga clic aquí para ver más fotos en Flickr! Haga clic aquí para el reporte en Español Photo Gallery Click Photo to Enlarge Vancouver's First Bicycle Rally & 107 Monthly Protest to Free ALL the Cuban 5!
The Vancouver Bike Ride for the Cuban 5 was the first of its' kind to be held in Canada. The first ever Bicycle Rally for the Cuban 5 was organized in June 2014 in Washington DC as part of the 3rd Annual “5 Days for the Cuban 5″. The original idea came from Cuban 5 hero Rene Gonzalez, who since returning to Cuba after 13 years of unjust imprisonment in the U.S., has continued to lead and inspire the international movement to free ALL the Cuban 5. Since June, similar Bicycle Rallies have taken place in New York, Belgium, San Francisco, and Cuba. The Bicycle Rally in Washington DC was organized and led by the Free the Cuban 5 Committee-Vancouver delegation, so it was only a matter of time before the action would take place in Vancouver. The group of cyclists visited a number of sites in the downtown area, stopping to take photos and distribute information about the Cuban 5, before finished their bicycle journey in front of the U.S. Consulate. The cyclists were joined by even more supporters of the 5 who were waiting to begin the 107th monthly protest to Free the Cuban 5. The October 5th actions in Vancouver also marked the 38th anniversary of the 1976 bombing of Air Cubana Flight 455. This bombing which killed all 73 innocent passengers on board was masterminded by anti-Cuban terrorist Luis Posada Carriles. While 3 of our 5 Cuban Heroes, anti-terrorists who saved lives, remain locked behind U.S. prison walls for over 16 years, the anti-Cuban terrorists responsible for this atrocious act and the deaths of over 3400 people in Cuba continue to walk free. Between strong lines of picketing and chanting, the group was able to hear from a number of different speakers addressing the protest. The speakers included two candidates in the upcoming Vancouver Civic Election Lawyer Tim Louis and Latin American community organizer Wilson Munoz who both share the demand for freedom of the 5. Organizer Jane Cutter with the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five in Seattle WA called into the protest by telephone to give greetings from their group's monthly banner drop over a busy overpass just outside of that important U.S. city. Another phone call arrived from Don Foreman an organizer with the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) who has been leading monthly protests in front of the U.S. Embassy in Ottawa. Long-time Cuban 5 supporter and editor of the forthcoming book “Cuba Solidarity in Canada”, Nino Pagliccia also spoke to the crowd giving an analysis on the true meaning of solidarity. He was followed by Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba (VCSC) coordinator Tamara Hansen who gave a report on her recent trip to Cuba to participate in the 10th International Colloquium for the Cuban 5 in Havana. The final speaker of the picket line was Free the Cuban 5 Committee Co-chair Alison Bodine who spoke about the case of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles responsible for the downing of the AirCubana Flight 38 years ago that day. Azza Rojbi and Noah Fine executive committee members of the Free the Cuban 5 Committee-Vancouver wrapped up the monthly action announcing a second bicycle rally ahead of the 108th monthly protest to Free the Cuban 5 and that the monthly rallies would continue until all 5 Cuban Heroes are free in Cuba. Bicicletada y protesta mensual para liberar a TODOS los Cinco Héroes Cubanos!
El domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014, docenas de simpatizantes con los Cinco Héroes Cubanos se reunieron montados en bicicleta para pedalear por las transitadas calles del centro de Vancouver. En bicicletas brillantemente decoradas, adornadas con carteles y banderas exigiendo que "Liberen a TODOS los Cinco Héroes", el grupo se abrió camino por todo el centro de la ciudad con ruidosos y coloridos cantos para liberar a los Cinco Héroes.
Volveran! They Will Return! |